Bluehost Review

This entry is about my experience with BlueHost so far, after 2 months. I can’t say I’m particularly happy with their service. I’ve experienced high server loads at 3 am in the morning, due to mysql database backup. I’ve experienced high server loads from the hours of 10 am to 3 pm due to peak usage. I’m probably going to experience high server load as well during the evening. So my question is, when can I expect there to be a normal server load? When nobody surfs the web? What’s the point of having webhosting if that’s the case?

If you don’t know what a serverload is, it’s a number that roughly represents how many CPUs the load is taking. Your server performs best when that number is less than the total number of CPUs. I’m pretty envious at my co-worker because his server load at HostGator doesn’t ever seem to exceed 5 and doesn’t seems bogged down, whereas my server load seems to exceed 8 like ALL THE TIME and is constantly laggy.

I’m writing a script that tracks the server load and displays the information graphically. I’m going to use that information to try to get BlueHost to move me to a better server. If after all that, they still don’t do anything about my server load, I’m probably going to move on to a new hosting company.

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