Project Constraints and Project Selling

There are 3 things you can control about a project, time, resources, and features. Of the three, you at best can control 2.

Which is why I propose for projects to have the following creation and definition flow:

  1. Feature gathering
  2. Resources / Budget constraints
  3. Time / Delivery constraints
  4. Project planning, project options, packaging, pricing
  5. Investigation
  6. Execution


  1. We want to under to undergo feature gathering first, because how can you size something with unknown dimensions?
  2. We want to know what are the budgetary constraints to the project, since we limited resources, we’ll have limited options, and we’ll have to live with the consequences of having limited resources.
  3. We want to know when the project needs to be delivered by, often times, if it’s something that needs to be rushed, then over time might be necessary, or perhaps more resources.
  4. This is where we plan the project and price out the project. I think it makes sense to allow the client to control 2 of the 3 factors of project planning. Once we know what the client is willing to give up, then we can go ahead and structure the deal around it. I’m sure with the resource allocation any venture can be profitable.
  5. During this phase we need to figure out exactly what is entailed with the project, and whether or not we can properly take on the project.
  6. During this phase we basically get it done.

This flow seems to make sense to me, if a person knows a better flow, let me know because this is the flow I’ll stick with for now.

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