Negative Feedback

So at my work, they’re currently thinking about implementing a new feedback system so that the employees can know about everything they’ve possibly done wrong. I don’t know any developers that can possibly avoid a “you didn’t work hard enough”, or a “you didn’t code well enough comment”. There isn’t a day I go by …

My views on how to properly use objects in a MVC Framework

If you are familiar with a MVC framework you can skip this paragraph. There are two components to this term “MVC framework”. First, a framework is a code-base that strongly suggests that you code using certain methodologies. Obviously, generally frameworks are designed to help the developers code faster, more object oriented, reduce code redundancy (encourage …

Facebook vs. Myspace Microsoft vs. Apple

People wonder if Facebook will overtake Myspace. The answer is I doubt it. Facebook’s strength lies in its simplicity, whereas Myspace’s strength lies in its ability to be “personalized”. As long as the two sites maintain their course, I doubt one will overtake the other. I originally would have made the same argument about Microsoft, …

Yesterday Google, Today Facebook

So yesterday, we divided into my theory of how Google work, but today, we get to see the inner workings of how Facebook serves a picture. I came across a very interesting presentation. The presentation shows what kind of technology Facebook uses, how they customize their own kernels, file systems, use CDNs (Content Distribution Network), …

Cross-browser Compatibility

I was working on a project that required cross-browser compatibility, this generally means at least FireFox and IE. The reason is due to the fact that IE is still the most commonly used browser (IE7, IE6, etc.), FireFox coming in second, and then the other browsers split up the rest. I was trying to code …